kashrus in Israel #2
Mitz Pri – Fruit JuiceGeula, JerusalemThursday, February 12, 2009Hi folks,I happened to get to the Geula area of Yerushalayim today, not havingplanned the trip.
I made the time to enter the popular Mitz Pri (FruitJuice) Store located on HaYeshiva Street, opposite Salon GeulaElectronics and next to the supermarket down the flight of stairs.With Shabbos on the horizon and Baruch Hashem lots of guests, there isno time to get into a long report. Bottom line, this guy has NO HECHSHER AT ALL.
He has another one of the bogus Badatz Chatam Sofer photocopiedletters on his wall that is absolutely meaningless and he relies onthe fact that he is situated in Geula and everyone “assumes” he isBadatz Eida Chareidit or another great supervision.He has some frozen fruits, berries in particular, that no respectableBadatz hechsher will give supervision due to the issue of buginfestation.Please, please pass the word around. Many yeshiva and seminarystudents are drinking his product, believing “it is Geula so it mustbe good”. This guy has no supervision!Shabbat ShalomYechiel Spira
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